Hunton Andrews Kurth Lawyers Participate in Leadership Council on Legal Diversity Career-Building Programs

Time 2 Minute Read
February 20, 2019

Three Hunton Andrews Kurth associates are participating in two leadership programs sponsored by the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD). The council’s year-long Fellows and Pathfinder programs offer high-potential lawyers at LCLD member organizations a variety of training, mentoring and networking opportunities designed to help them develop and build successful careers. Consistent with the LCLD’s mission, the goal is to increase diversity within the nation’s law firms and corporate legal departments.

Sunyi Snow is taking part in LCLD’s landmark Fellows Program, which offers mid-career lawyers relationship building opportunities, in-person training, peer-group projects, and extensive contact with LCLD’s top leadership. Latosha Ellis and Isaac Yilma  is participating in LCLD’s Pathfinder Program, which provides early-career lawyers intensive in-person training, online experiential learning, and opportunities to network with peers and LCLD Fellows in small group gatherings. Hunton Andrews Kurth lawyers have benefited from these programs every year since they were established.

Founded in 2009, LCLD is a growing organization of more than 300 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners who are personally committed to creating a more diverse and inclusive legal profession. Hunton Andrews Kurth has been a strong supporter of LCLD and it programs since it was first established. Managing Partner Wally Martinez has served as chair of its Board of Directors, and firm senior counsel Robert Grey currently serves as LCLD President.

Media Contact

Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations

Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager


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