Hunton Andrews Kurth Attorneys Host Career Day for Middle School Students
On May 16, attorneys from Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP and Tatiana Rice, Policy Counsel for the Future Privacy Forum, traveled to Kelly Miller Middle School to host a mini career fair for 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls. Armed with fresh Danish pastries and snacks, the attorneys introduced the students to careers in the legal profession through multimedia presentations and interactive activities, such as bingo games, mock interviews and even negotiations over oranges. They also discussed their own paths to selecting law as their chosen careers.
Participating in the career day were Hunton Andrews Kurth associates Hannah Flint, Reiko Koyama, Alexandra Hamilton, Kelly Oeltjenbruns, Katherine Sandberg and Jessica Vara; senior attorneys Shaena Rowland and Michelle-Ann Williams, along with DC office administrator Rachel Ball.
“We are thrilled to connect women attorneys and staff with the young women at Kelly Miller Middle School to discuss career goals and planning,” said Koyama, one of the organizers of the event. “Career development is a lifelong process that includes mentorship, support, resources and role modeling. Every successful woman has a group of successful women behind her, and we’re excited to uplift the next generation.”
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