• Posts by Malcolm C. Weiss
    Posts by Malcolm C. Weiss

    Malcolm is well-versed in a wide range of complex environmental law issues. Clients appreciate his forward-looking, practical approach to solving problems. Malcolm has developed a sophisticated practice covering a wide variety ...

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PFAS Regulation

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (“PFAS”) are a class of substances that have increasingly become the target of federal and state regulation in everything from drinking water, groundwater, site contamination, waste, air emissions, firefighting foam, personal care products, food and food packaging, and now consumer and commercial products. PFAS are widely-used chemicals that have the unique ability to repel both oil and water, which led to their application in many products including items such as stain and water-repellent fabric, chemical-and oil-resistant coatings, food packaging materials, plastics, firefighting foam, solar panels and many others. The carbon-fluorine bond is the strongest in nature, making these compounds highly persistent in the environment.


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