Dedicated Utility Rate Securitizations

April 6, 2022

Dedicated Utility Rate Securitizations

Wednesday, April 6, 2022
5:30 to 6:30 eastern

Dedicated utility rate securitization has come a long way from stranded costs recovery in the early 2000s. In the last three years alone, over a half a dozen states have adopted new legislation permitting the use of dedicated utility rate securitization to finance the recovery of storm costs, wildfire costs, coal plant retirement costs, extraordinary fuel costs and even costs related the COVID-19 pandemic, and at least another half dozen statutes are currently in various forms in different state legislatures. Join us for an introduction into this growing asset class within structured finance. We will review the necessary legislative steps for a successful structure, with a particular focus on the important components of the statute, the regulatory financing order and the SEC and rating agency processes.


  • Michael Fitzpatrick
  • Adam O’Brian
  • Matthew Hayes
  • Michelle Chan 

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