Litigation Skills: Calculating Damages in Business Disputes using Experts

June 29, 2023

Calculating Damages in Business Disputes using Experts

Thursday, June 29
12:30 – 1:30 pm (ET) / 11:30 – 12:30 pm (CT) / 9:30 – 10:30 am (PT)

RSVP: Nick White

We are pleased to announce the relaunch of our Litigation Skills Series. These programs will be held approximately quarterly and will focus on a wide range of topics related to litigation practice.

Our first program will be hosted by Chris Cunio and Kaylan Dunn and will feature two guest presenters who will focus on different aspects of Calculating Damages in Business Disputes using Experts. Also, for our summer associates in attendance, for the first few minutes of the program we will hear from associate Madison Sherrill on the challenges of surviving as summer and first year associate. And keeping with our tradition with Chris’s programs, there will be a trivia question at the end of the program with a prize of a record player and two records by performers on our client’s record label, Ineffable Music (the latest albums by Stick Figure and Trevor Hall).

Our guest presenters (bios attached) will speak on the following topics:

  • Economics Testimony in Litigation Cases: Testing for Discrimination and Estimating Changes in Demand from Price Increases: This section will cover two types of cases, employment discrimination and unfair trade practices & antitrust cases, where expert testimony from an economist may be required. Our presenter, Kevin Cahill, will discuss various economics aspects of these cases as well as how he has worked with attorneys over the years to facilitate the use of expert economics testimony in such cases.
  • Anatomy of a Cyber Loss and Emerging Cyber Issues: With rapid increases in the frequency, complexity and cost of cybercrime, data breaches, IT system failures/interruptions it should come as no surprise that “cyber” is perceived to be among the most important risks facing the global business community. Cyber insurance is a relatively new form of coverage with a limited body of interpretative guidance from courts. Through case study examples from prior Hunton Andrews Kurth/Claro cyber claims, our presenter, Brian Twellman, will provide a roadmap to help outside counsel better position their clients and experts to understand, quantify, and recover their client’s cyber losses.

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP will seek CLE credit for this program in CA, FL, GA, NC, NY, TX and VA. Credit hours are not guaranteed and are subject to each state’s approval rules.

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