Preparing for a New US Privacy Landscape Webcast

May 24, 2012

Learn how these new frameworks will impact your company's management, storage, use, retention and disposal of PII and what you can do to operationalize privacy, data security and records management practices that are consistent with the frameworks.

Join us May 24 at 1:00 pm for this free, 45-minute webcast where we highlight the key privacy and information security issues contained in these new frameworks and the impact they will have on managing records and information that contain PII.

Lisa Sotto and Aaron Simpson, leading privacy practitioners at Hunton & Williams LLP, will be facilitating this session along with Rebecca Perry, EVP of Professional Services at Jordan Lawrence Group.

This session will cover:

  • Key elements of the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights issued by the White House in February 2012 and based on the Department of Commerce's December 16, 2010 strategy paper.
  • Highlights from the FTC's final report on protecting consumer privacy issued in March 2012 that sets forth best practices for companies and provides a roadmap for Congress in its consideration of privacy legislation.
  • Key considerations for adherence to the frameworks and the intersection with a company's records management program.
  • The process for developing a personal data inventory to evaluate compliance with privacy and information security requirements and uncover risks and vulnerabilities.
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