Real Estate Finance & Investment Breakfast Briefing: Real Estate and Cyber Security

April 4, 2017

Despite the obvious bricks and mortar nature of real estate investments, there are many ways hackers can hold hostage or leak proprietary information about a commercial real estate company’s clients, finances, staff, and tenants. Join us for a 45-minute discussion that will help you to go beyond the obvious in evaluating cyber threats and give you some of the tools you’ll need in the event of a breach.

The panel includes Brittany Bacon, associate, Hunton & Williams, Thomas Brown, managing director & global leader of cyber security at investigations, Berkeley Research Group; Zach Aarons, co-founder, MetaProp NYC and Mark Stamford, the founder and president of OccamSec, an IT cyber-security specialist that works globally with companies to secure their data and technology system.  The roughly 45-minute seminar will take place on Tuesday, April 4 at London NYC at 151 West 54th Street – that’s between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. The doors open at 8:30 and you can network over a light breakfast, with the panel discussion kicking off at approximately 9:00.

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