Quoted, Believe It or Not, There Is an Upside to GDPR, securityroundtable.org
Lisa Sotto speaks with securityroundtable.org regarding the upcoming anxiety companies are facing with just three short months until the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect. Lisa explains the significance of the law, “The GDPR represents a sea of change for global companies.” GDPR is the most extensive data privacy change in 20 years. Lisa says, “Companies are becoming more frantic about meeting their new obligations under the new law.” She continues, “The anxiety is not limited to the legal department; it is spreading to the IT and information security teams.” Lisa also points out that companies “understand GDPR compliance as an overarching governance issue for the company, not simply a matter of legal compliance.”
Believe It or Not, There Is an Upside to GDPR, securityroundtable.org, February 16, 2018
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