Hunton & Williams LLP Charlotte Lawyers Recognized for Ongoing Pro Bono Support by Legal Services of Southern Piedmont
Charlotte, N.C. — November 15, 2011 — Hunton & Williams LLP announces three Charlotte attorneys have been honored by Legal Services of Southern Piedmont (LSSP). Robert J. Hahn, Jason A. Hartsough and Megan E. Miller were listed on LSSP's Pro Bono Honor Role list for working with the organization and providing more than 20 hours of pro bono service each to one or more clients in the past year. The attorneys have supported LSSP's mission of providing civil legal assistance to eligible low-income persons in Charlotte and west-central North Carolina.
During the past two years, Hunton & Williams assisted LSSP in helping more than 20 clients appeal denied claims for Medicaid and Social Security Disability through its Medicaid for the DisabledProject. Lawyers also provided pro bono counsel for a variety of other legal needs.
"Pro bono is an integral part of who we are at Hunton & Williams," says Robert Hahn, partner and pro bono chair for Hunton & Williams' Charlotte office. "It is important to all of us to give back to our communities, and we are proud to be recognized with this honor. We look forward to continuing our efforts to support LSSP and the people they serve."
The Charlotte office of Hunton & Williams was established in 1995 and is home to nearly 30 lawyers serving the regional and global needs of its clients. The firm's practice in Charlotte emphasizes general corporate counsel, business litigation, banking and finance, structured finance, and energy and environmental law for domestic and international clients.
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