Multiple Outlets Speak with Wendell Taylor re Fish Market Legal Dispute

Time 1 Minute Read
August 13, 2015

Owners of Maine Avenue Fish Market sue over SW Waterfront development

The Washington Post ǀ August 13, 2015

Maine Avenue Fish Market Tenants File Preliminary Injunction Against Wharf Developers

Washington City Paper ǀ August 13, 2015

The developers of a $2 billion dollar waterfront megaplex, The Wharf, and the owners of three businesses at the Maine Avenue Fish Market in southwest DC are involved in a heated legal dispute involving allegations of violation of lease terms and eviction attempts of businesses that make up one of the oldest open air markets in the country. Wendell Taylor reports to multiple news outlets, “[O]ur clients’ businesses have been trampled upon by the redevelopment project… we are fighting for the viability of the market itself.” Taylor’s practice focuses on representation of businesses and individuals in complex state and federal trial and class action litigation.

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Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations

Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager


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