Hunton’s Geoffrey Fehling Appointed to Wellesley Historical Commission
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Boston-based partner Geoffrey Fehling was recently sworn in as a member of the Town of Wellesley Historical Commission. The Commission was created to preserve and protect the town’s tangible evidence of the architectural, aesthetic, cultural, economic, political and social history. In fulfilling its mission, the Commission:

  • educates the community on the economic, cultural, and aesthetic values of historic preservation, through working collaboratively with town boards, owners, developers, realtors, and residents, through our signature Historic Plaque Program, and through articles and letters in the local press;
  • advocates for local ordinances, bylaws, and public actions that encourage the preservation, restoration, and reuse of historic properties both public and private; and
  • addresses major development and growth issues, such as promoting smart zoning, encouraging renovation and adaptive reuse as alternatives to demolitions of historic properties, and providing technical assistance and support to ensure that growth can coincide with the protection of the historical assets of the town.

The Wellesley Select Board appoints town residents—based education, training, local government experience, and commitment to community service—who will contribute to promoting and administering these goals. Congrats, Geoff!


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