Top Issues Facing Retailers in the Trump Administration
Time 2 Minute Read

After a long and unconventional campaign, we finally know the election results: early next year, businessman Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, supported by a Republican Congress. What the election results mean for the nation’s retailers, however, remains an open question. Trump, as a candidate, staked out bold policy positions on issues with potentially significant effects on retailers. Both positive and negative developments on a wide range of issues are possible over the next four years. Once sworn in, Trump will have considerable latitude to implement his policies through executive branch agencies and their enforcement priorities. In other instances, however, he will require support from the 115th Congress, and in some instances his actions could be constrained by the effect of appointments and policy choices made by the Obama administration and the 114th Congress.

In a recently published client alert, we discuss eight areas of interest to retailers, the positions that President-elect Trump took on them as a candidate, and the ways in which those positions could translate into law and policy in the Trump administration.

  • Trade Policy: The Trans-Pacific Partnership is Now DOA, NAFTA May Be Next and New Tariffs Are Possible
  • Outsourcing, Offshoring and Tech Worker Immigration: Threats to Retailers Still Unclear
  • Online Sales Taxes: Three Approaches to eFairness Legislation
  • Privacy and Cybersecurity: Balancing Consumer Privacy and Innovation
  • “GMO” and “Natural” Food Labeling: A Chance to Shape The Law Through Regulation
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission: Civil Penalties on the Rise
  • Joint Employer Liability: What Happens to the Obama Administration’s Recent Expansions?
  • Pay Policy: What Happens to Equal Pay Initiatives?

Read the full alert.


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