Privacy and Data Security Law Deskbook Addresses Important Labor Law Issues
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On July 20, 2010, Hunton & Williams LLP announced the release of the first edition treatise Privacy and Data Security Law Deskbook (Aspen Publishers).  The deskbook provides a detailed overview of the workplace issues affected by information privacy and data security law and is a practical one-stop loose-leaf guide for privacy professionals, compliance officers and lawyers responsible for privacy or data security.

Labor and employment partners Juan Enjamio and Terry Connor were among the authors who contributed to the book. Labor team associates Marcia Ganz, Anna Lazarus, and Sarah Ratner and former colleague Valerie Njiiri also contributed to the chapter relating to privacy in the workplace, which includes topics such as standards governing employee monitoring and background screening of employees and applicant.

Key chapters on privacy and the work place include the following:

  • In General
  • Labor and Employment Laws
  • Background Screening of Employees and Applicants
  • Disposal of Employee Personal Information
  • Protection of Social Security Numbers
  • Health Information
  • Workplace Monitoring
  • Privacy Torts
  • Conclusion

The deskbook also provides a detailed overview (with thousands of specific citations for the legal practitioner) of those areas of information privacy and data security law that have the greatest impact on and are most relevant to U.S. businesses operating in the global arena.  In addition, the treatise contains a collection of sample documents, charts, checklists and other compliance-enabling tools.


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