Belgian Privacy Commission Releases 2015 Annual Activity Report
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On June 9, 2016, the Belgian Privacy Commission (the “Belgian DPA”) published its Annual Activity Report for 2015 (the “Annual Report”) highlighting its main accomplishments.

During the year 2015, the Belgian DPA focused on the following topics:

  • Cookies. The Belgian DPA issued a series of recommendations on the communication of information and direct marketing practices.
  • Drones. The Belgian DPA gave a favorable opinion on the Royal Decree draft on the use of drones.
  • Anti-terrorism. The Belgian DPA also was asked to provide an opinion on the Belgian government’s proposed anti-terrorism laws, in particular the processing of passenger data, the creation of a database for foreign terrorist fighters and on the end of anonymity for users of prepaid mobile telephone cards.
  • Privacy in the workplace. In light of an increasing number of questions regarding privacy in the workplace, the Belgian DPA released a new report on the use of personal data in the workplace, including recommendations on geo-location through company cars, the use of whistleblowing hotline, BYOD, CCTV surveillance of employees and email and internet monitoring.

In regards to the underlying figures of the year 2015, the Annual Report indicates that:

  • In 2015, the Belgian DPA processed 4,192 requests or complaints, including requests for information, mediation and control. Most requests for information were related to the use of CCTV, privacy in the workplace, the right of publicity, direct marketing and privacy on the Internet.
  • The number of registrations increased to 9,799 registrations in 2015, including 6,240 registrations for the use of a CCTV system.

Read the Annual Activity Report for 2015 (in French and Dutch). View the brochure (in French and Dutch).


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