Draft Recommendation on Online Profiling in the Private Sector
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On October 2, the Council of Europe's Consultative Committee of the Convention 108 on Data Protection ("T-PD") for the first time made publicly available its "Draft Recommendation on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data in the Framework of Profiling."  When it is finalized, the Draft Recommendation will be one of the first documents dealing with online profiling in the private sector issued by an international organization.  The International Chamber of Commerce ("ICC"), which has observer status in the T-PD, has been working to obtain increased private-sector input during drafting.  The Council of Europe is now soliciting comments on the draft from the private sector, which should be submitted by the end of October.

Comments on the Draft Recommendation should be sent to Kateryna Gayevska of the Council of Europe Secretariat at Kateryna.GAYEVSKA@coe.int.


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