FTC Issues Call for Presentations for PrivacyCon 2021
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The Federal Trade Commission issued a call for presentations on consumer privacy and data security research for its sixth annual PrivacyCon, which is to be held on July 27, 2021. The call for presentations asks for empirical research and demonstrations, including economic analyses, with implications for privacy and data security policy and law.

The FTC identified nearly two dozen issues of particular interest for this year’s gathering of stakeholders, including:

  • Analysis of Privacy Considerations Related to Contact Tracing Apps
  • Privacy and Security Issues Related to Work from Home
  • Privacy and Security Issues Before and After Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Costs and Benefits of Privacy and Security
  • Consumer Behavior Related to Privacy and Security Risks
  • Privacy and Security Issues Related to Online Activism
  • Algorithmic Bias and Ensuring Fairness in Algorithmic Use
  • Company Incentives and Behavior Regarding Privacy and Security Practices
  • Data Security Vulnerabilities, Threats and Exploits
  • Privacy and Security of Facial Recognition Technologies and Applications

The deadline for submissions is April 9, 2021. PrivacyCon 2021 is a free event open to the public, and the FTC will be providing a webcast on its website.


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