ICO Sandbox Beta Phase Opens for Applications
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On March 29, 2019, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (the “ICO”) announced that it has opened its sandbox beta phase for applications (the “Beta Phase”).

As we previously reported, the ICO’s sandbox initiative aims to support the use of innovative products and services that are in the public interest, assist in developing a shared understanding of what compliance in innovative areas looks like and to support the UK in nourishing an innovative economy.

Beta Phase presents an opportunity to get involved in the early stages of the regulatory sandbox in data protection, dialogue with ICO specialist staff on difficult areas of privacy compliance, develop best practices and solutions to data protection challenges for cutting-edge inventions and support innovative regulatory policy.

The Beta Phase will accommodate 10 organizations of all types (e.g., large organizations, SMEs and start-ups) and across all sectors. Applications must be submitted to applysandbox@ico.org.uk by noon on Friday, May 24, 2019.

For further details on the sandbox, the application process or benefits of participation, contact the ICO at sandbox@ico.org.uk.

To read more about the regulatory sandbox, please see the Centre for Information Policy Leadership’s recently released White Paper, which was published following a joint roundtable it held on the sandbox with the ICO.


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